Just turned on channel VH1 yesterday and saw this single by VJ Anusha. The song is in my lips ever since. A great lyricist it must be, because the lyrics is awesome and makes total sense. A nice video is put up to match with the tempo. Well, a part of the video seemed a bit clichéd – yes, I am talking about the part where Anusha and the back dancers wear a uniform like teen school going girls. This reminds me of the biggest hit yet debut by Britney- Hit me baby one more time. A school girl in uniform dancing and singing for a guy can never be warded off. Thus, the thought comes to my mind if the same mantra is used here in “Better than your X” to make it a hit. Traces of Avril’s influence can also be found in the lyrics too. Well, it won’t be wrong to say that Anusha is the new Indian popstar going International. Wish she stood out in the video whereas at some parts of the song her make-u...
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